Brown Willy

Brown Willy is a hill steeped in history, located on Bodmin Moor, a granite moorland where many of Cornwall’s rivers begin. At 420 m (1,378 ft) in elevation, it is the highest hill in the county of Cornwall.

Upon reaching the summit, a trig point can be found located next to a cairn. The cairns located nearby are believed to date back to the early Bronze Age; it has been considered a sacred place for centuries. The cairns have never been excavated and folklore speculates that an ancient Cornish King may even be buried underneath one of them.

landscapeHeight language Country trip_originRegion
420 m (1,378 ft) England Cornwall
gps_fixedLat/Lng placeGrid Ref mapOS Map
50.59059906,-4.60272860 SX 1586 7999 109: Bodmin Moor