Càrn Eige

Càrn Eige has an elevation of 1183 m (3,881 ft) and in terms of relative height it is the second highest summit, after Ben Nevis, in the United Kingdom. The summit is a pyramid shape, made up of 3 ridges and is marked by a trig point and cairn.

The start point can be made near to Chisholm Bridge, located alongside Loch Beinn. The long walk takes you on a wild mountain trail in the shape of a horseshoe, incorporating Mam Sodhail, a twin summit; another Munro standing at nearly the same height of 1181 m (3,875 ft).

landscapeHeight language Country trip_originRegion
1,183 m (3,881 ft) Scotland Ross and Cromarty
gps_fixedLat/Lng placeGrid Ref mapOS Map
57.287726, -5.11608 NH 123 262 OS: 415 Glen Affric and Glen Moriston